Giovenzana, door bypass devices
Giovenzana offers a wide range of bypass devices in box and DIN rail mounting. All products can be customised to customer specifications
Alberto Sassi, 75 years of innovation
Today Alberto Sassi S.p.A. is part of the Sassi Holding, a group of companies specialized in the design and supply of products, services and solutions for the movement of lifts all over the world.
Elevatori Magazine 3/2021:
discover the new issue
Elevatori Magazine 3/2021 -Topical subjects, standards, laws & regulations, Techniques, architecture: all the news of the vertical transport sector in the May/June issue
Brexit afterthoughts
David Cooper's reflections on Brexit: a 'Remainer's' perspective. Next issue. that of a 'Leaver, Gina Barney. The article
David Cooper
David Cooper è amministratore delegato della società di consulenza per ascensori LECS (UK). Lavora nel settore degli ascensori e delle scale mobili dal 1980 ed è un noto autore e relatore
Iginio Salvatore Lentini
Iginio Salvatore Lentini in 2001 founded UN.I.O.N., Unione Italiana Organismi Notificati e Abilitati, a trade association
Lift Symposium 2021 is online
The Trustees are delighted to announce that the annual Lift & Escalator Symposium will take place online on 22nd and 23rd September 2021.