Current Issue
Rome and Sagunto 2000 years ago
Giovanni Varisco
Topical subjects
Milan: the Libeskind Tower is the final addition to CityLife
By Federica Villa
Refurbishment, the new fiscal instruments
Elena Colombetti
The next recovery of the Brazilian economy
By Elevador Brasil Magazine
Fiabaday: freedom of movement
By the Editorial Staff
The new challenges of training – Part 3
Nicola Imbimbo
11th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technologies
Nick Mellor
Lifts and design
By the Editorial Staff
Giulio Cappellini ‘enters’ the lift
Maddalena Parotelli
IoT… a new challenge?
Marco Cogliati
Thermal analysis and predictive maintenance
Dario Giove
The certification journey of the locking device
Gianni Robertelli
Standards, laws & regulations
UNI 10411 Standards – Part 6
Giovanni Varisco
Evolving harmonised standards
Giovanni Varisco
The new standard ISO 8100-32:2020
EFESME aisbl / SBS – Small Business Standards
Electric safety at home
Maddalena Parotelli & Elena Colombetti
Letters to the Chairman
Giuseppe Volpe
News & Buzz
By Elevatori Staff
Voices from the World
Matteo Volpe