
Aldo Norsa

 In People

Formerly professor of Architectural Technology at the IUAV University of Venice, associate professor at the Milan Polytechnic, lecturer at the University of Florence, visiting professor at the University of Chieti, researcher at the Université de Montréal. Italian representative in the Cebc (Consortium of European Building Control) since 1995, member of the Italian committee of Eres (European Real Estate Society) 2004 and 2010; of the technical-scientific committee of Assoimmobiliare (from 2005 to 2011); of the scientific-cultural committee of Giornale dell’Ingegnere (from 2005 to 2017); former founder (member of the steering committee) of SITdA (Società Italiana Tecnologia dell’Architettura) from 2007 to 2008; in the scientific committee of L’Ufficio Tecnico / Maggioli Editore (since 2008); coordinator of the working group for updating technical standards at the Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici (2011 and 2012); in the scientific committee of ‘Paesaggi infrastrutturali’ del Poligrafo from 2012 to 2015; honorary member of Aici (Associazione Italiana Consulenti Gestori e Valutatori Immobiliari) since 2012; member of the scientific committee of Lumimed (Lugano-Milano-Mediterraneo) since 2016.

Aldo Norsa
