Conference in Pavia on ‘Building heritage, lifts, accessibility’
Italy’s building heritage, put in relation to demographic data and accessibility needs, is the topic of the conference “Building heritage, lifts, accessibility and demographics: how to face the future”, that took place in Pavia on 18 April 2024, from 4.00 p.m. (Aula A2 | Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia Via Ferrata 3, Pavia), organised by Anie AssoAscensori and the University of Pavia.
Although Italy is one of the countries in the world with the most lifts, many multi-storey buildings still lack this type of facility, which is essential to guarantee adequate levels of comfort and usability of buildings and ensure equal opportunities for everyone to participate in social and economic life. On the other hand, the declining birth rate and increasing life expectancy lead to a rapid and intense ageing of the population, which results in an equally significant increase in the number of people with mobility problems. This translates into a growing condition of discomfort for all those who, living in blocks of flats, see their autonomy and quality of life considerably reduced.
A plan for retrofitting existing buildings and installations, combined with a programme of new lift installations in buildings lacking them, therefore becomes essential to make our cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
In support of these considerations, the results of the “Report on the lift and lift market”, carried out by CRESME on the initiative of ANIE AssoAscensori, provide a complete picture of the state and potential of the Italian real estate heritage from the accessibility point of view.
The meeting programme
Moderator: Prof. Ing. Raffaella Lione
16:00 | Opening registration of participants
16:30 | Institutional greetings
University of Pavia
ANIE AssoAscensori
Municipality of Pavia
Order of Engineers
16:40 | Speakers
Angelo Fumagalli – President ANIE AssoAscensori
Angelo Achilli – President FAND
Alessandro Greco – Professor of Technical Architecture University of Pavia
17:15 | Demographic criticalities and accessibility of the Italian building stock
Silvia Migliavacca – Secretary ANIE AssoAscensori
18:00 | Debate
18:15 | Award ceremony for the best design solutions for the expanded usability and inclusion of the former Don Bosco Building proposed by the students of Technical Architecture 1
18:30 | Closing of the session

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