Elevatori Magazine 1/2024
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Elevatori Magazine 1/2024: discover all the articles of the new issue
Elevatori Magazine 1/2024, the new issue of the magazine will soon be available. Here is the index with all the articles you can read in this issue.
Trade fairs trend: some observations
Giuseppe Volpe
Open letter to the associations
Giuseppe Volpe
Topical subjects
MIBA: new hub for the building sector
Elena Colombetti & Maddalena Parotelli
Cresme: Lifts and Lift Platforms in Italy
Angelo Fumagalli
Environmental accessibility: high level training course
Elena Colombetti
Politecnico di Milano: 160 years of innovation
Maddalena Parotelli
CTBUH, the world’s best tall buildings in 2023
By the Editorial Staff
Dynamic elongation in steel wire rope systems
Michael Eibel & Erich Spirgi
Standards, laws & regulations
The future ISO 8100-2 Standard – Part 3
Carlo Belletti
The Energy Code of Hong Kong
Albert T. So
Letters to the Chairman
Giuseppe Volpe
News & Buzz
By the Editorial Staff
Voices from the World
Interview with Achim Hütter, President of VFA-Interlift E.V.
Matteo Volpe
Elevatori Magazine is the official organ of the following associations: Anica, Iaee, Oitaf.
Elevatori Magazine is a member of: Vfa