
Become sponsor of Elevatori Club

 In Elevatori Club

Elevatori Club is born, the new editorial space to give voice to the Elevatori Magazine community. A super partes place, open to the world of vertical transport and to all the sectors that have to do with it. A space for dialogue, where news, ideas, opinions can be exchanged and shared to make the culture of our sector grow more and more. A real innovation!
Companies and organisations that believe in Elevatori Magazine (and the special publications connected to it) can also join the Elevatori Magazine Club with an economic contribution as a ‘supporting sponsor’, investing in the magazine’s editorial activities with the clear intention of promoting its cultural project. All ‘sustaining sponsors’ of this project will see their logo in a space specifically dedicated to Elevatori Club in the magazine and related media.


The supporting sponsor of Elevatori Club will have its own logo:

● in Elevatori Magazine in the Club section
● in the ElevatorMagazine.com web space dedicated to the Club
● in the Club’s newsletters

Annual contribution:

€ 3000

For further information, please write to club@elevatori.eu
