
Salvatore Nasca

 In People

Salvatore Nasca is Chairman of Ematic srl and Managing Director of Enne Impianti srl. He is a member of the ‘Elevatori Magazine’ technical committee and co-founder of the ‘Consorzio per l’Italia’.

Since 2021 he has been president of CPI (Consorzio per l’Italia), a newborn non-profit organisation, founded on 24 March 2021, which aims to promote the lift sector and guarantee the end user.

Among the most significant awards for entrepreneurial activity to be mentioned is the ‘ Premio OK Italia – Ricambio generazionale e continuità aziendale (OK Italia Award – Generational Change and Business Continuity)’, awarded in 2013 by Unicredit, for which he was also appointed testimonial the following year.

In 2018, Salvatore Nasca was selected and awarded for the national project ‘Eccellenze Italiane’, during a public event held at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo (Italy).


Nasca has written several articles for Elevatori Magazine, including the in-depth article “Architectural barriers, the Superbonus is on its way“, which appeared in issue no. 2/2021, in which the author recounts how, after a year of hard work, the overcoming of architectural barriers was included in the Financial Bill as part of the interventions for which the 110% Superbonus is due.

On 10 March 2021, a webinar on the Superbonus for elevators was held entitled ‘Superbonus ristrutturazioni 110% / Bonus ascensori‘, organized by Anica in collaboration with CPI (Consorzio per l’Italia) and CNA (Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato), which was a great success among sector operators. Nasca was among the organizers of the event: more than three hundred people followed the interventions of the experts, in an afternoon full of information. They talked about the mechanisms that regulate the Superbonus and, above all, about the lack, at the time of writing, of the implementing decree that would allow to start financing interventions on elevators through the Superbonus.
