
Elevatori Club, your July 2024 messages

 In Elevatori Club

Dear Elevatori Magazine readers, magazine contributors, architects, engineers, condominium managers, lift and escalator users and, last but not least, dear companies, a great number of you have written to us to express your willingness to participate in Elevatori Club. We are happy and proud of this and thank you all for your enthusiasm and speed in seizing this new opportunity for dialogue!

Some of you have sent us photographs and short messages of encouragement (and given the summer period, we have decided to start publishing some of these messages, which are lighter and will accompany readers with a smile towards holiday relaxation), others have asked us to go into some topical issues in greater depth, and still others have proposed to intervene personally in the magazine with articles on topics they know in depth, both technical and regulatory. Some companies have also expressed their willingness to actively participate in this initiative. We are responding to all of them: you will soon receive an email from us in which we will begin a direct dialogue with you, depending on your specific request!

We are starting to publish some of the first contributions you have sent us to Elevatori Club, by writing to club@elevatori.eu.
More are being selected and will soon be published in the new Club section of www.elevatorimagazine.com.

Follow us and continue to write to us in great numbers!

Coin box in lift

There are many stories about lifts that you are sending us through Elevatori Club. Here is one of the first, sent to us by Carlo: “I have just been to Naples. I stayed
in a flat on the 5th floor of an old building. There was a hydraulic lift. There was a coin box in the cabin: if you donʼt insert 10 cents the lift doesnʼt go up or down. In the centre of Naples I met more than one old man trying to get the 10 cents for the lift from the bakerʼs change. Scandalous!” We shared this image on our social channels and many people wrote to us, telling us about their experiences: not only do the coin boxes still exist (in Naples, but also in Liguria, as some of our readers point out), but there are still requests to install new ones. The reason? To round up the condominium expenses for the lift a bit and discourage too much use.


Celebrating summer

A barbecue in the company, to celebrate summer 2024 with all employees, before the August holidays. This is the idea of Ital-Lift Srl (a partner company of the Ceam group), which also wanted to invite the editor-in-chief of Elevatori Magazine, Maddalena Parotelli to the
July event. The management and employees wanted to send a souvenir photo of the evening to Elevatori Club.

We wish happy holidays to them, to all our readers and to the many professionals who make our industry so lively!

Considerations on Elevatori Club

Good morning,
I would like to share some thoughts with you.
The first thing that comes to mind is that communities are used a lot today and are a very valuable medium. Congratulations!
The idea in my opinion is very good because it achieves several goals:
1) it could allow people to leave comments on the articles presented in Elevatori Magazine;
2) to consider the reader an integral and contributing part of the Elevatori Magazine editorial staff (that’s what the club/community is all about), with ideas, suggestions, faults to be improved, experiences to be shared;
3) it is constructive that companies can also join the Club as supporting sponsors, giving them opportunities for visibility and co-participation: in short, they will feel they are part of the magazine and the lift world connected to it.
With much esteem,

Good morning,
I would like to express my congratulations on the Club’s initiative to bring ordinary people to the discovery of vertical transport. Congratulations! Thank you,

This new community is very useful to address problems we all have, but often do not know how to solve. Thank you for the new idea,

Elevatori Club, the architect Alberto Salvati’s thinking

Dear Chairman,

the new editorial space you are reserving for the ‘Elevatori Magazine Community’, the Elevatori Club dedicated to all the readers of the magazine, seems to me to be of great interest, just after the recognition assigned to Elevatori Magazine, of Historical Trademark by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

It will be an honour to be able to participate: certainly (as far as I am concerned), first and foremost, as a user who knows the lift because he uses it. Very important for the contribution that can be made, as a user and just, to the development not only technological of the lift-machine, which in any case is the responsibility of specialists, but, as I always point out in all my speeches related to this sector, to be conducted taking into account the needs of all of us humans (complex organisms), demanding, both on the rational and irrational level.

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Short messages

At a certain age you say ‘thank goodness for the lift’.

I often use lifts for work; some make you feel comfortable, cosy and quiet, others on the contrary are uncomfortable and noisy. Regardless of the age of the context and the lift, I believe they should always be updated and modernised because for many people they are part of everyday life.

Are lifts equipped with backup batteries to get to the nearest floor in the event of a blackout, avoiding getting stuck inside?

Some time ago, I happened to be stuck in a lift and, although the alarm bell rang, I became very agitated because I had the perception that no one could hear me. Is it possible to get some sort of feedback from someone who hears the emergency sound? Thank you.

When I lived in the previous block of flats, my baby’s pram had difficulty getting into the lift. Aren’t there minimum parameters to be met when building lifts? When I get in the lift I am always afraid that it will get stuck: it happened at my in-laws’ house that it would stop between floors and open on the wall. When I pressed a floor at random it started up again and seemed to work again. However, ever since then I’ve been afraid of getting locked in.

I notice that often careless people close the lift door incorrectly, making the lift unusable for the rest of the residents.
What is a possible solution to this problem? Thank you,

Sometimes when I walk around with my best friend, who is in a wheelchair, I notice that not all lifts are accessible. Periodically it happens that we have to give up going to some shops due to lack of lift or problems such as steps in front of the lifts or doors too small for the chair to fit through. It is very sad to see my friend give up experiences that everyone else can do without complications. Thank you very much,

When I take a lift I always feel good on the way up, because it feels like going to heaven; a little less good when I come down, because the feeling is like going underground.

I don’t consider lifts indispensable, because for one or two floors I prefer to walk, but in many cases it’s a good thing they are there!

Whenever I take a lift, I always get a, modest, sense of dread. Then I think about how much safety equipment is installed and I calm down. Of course, mine is only an assumption, but it can only be so.

Good morning,
the lift in my house is very old, but it still works. When does it have to be replaced? Is there a law about replacing old lifts?
Thank you,
