
Elevatori Club, your September 2024 messages

 In Elevatori Club

We are publishing the contributions you have sent us to Elevatori Club, by writing to club@elevatori.eu.

Follow us and continue to write to us in great numbers!

You can read the past months’ messages by clicking here.

Open question for escalator experts

Dear friends of Elevatori Club, I am writing to share a curiosity I have about the running direction of escalators. I live in Milan and it sometimes happens to me to take escalators that have a different running direction from the one we are used to: that is, passengers keep to the left instead of the right, as is the norm in Italy for the running direction of cars, walkers and even bicycles. It has happened to me, for example, at the Bonola shopping centre, at Bicocca Village, or on the metro, line 5, at the Garibaldi stop.
Could any of the experts in the field explain why?
Thank you, Roberto

Voices from the world of vehicle lifts

Dear friends of Elevatori Club, the company I work for is well known as we provide Engineering and CE marking services to all the worldʼs leading companies in the vehicle lift sector, and as one of our experts is a member of Commission UNI/CT 005 ‘Lifting appliances and related accessories’, Coordinator of Working Group UNI/CT 005/GL06 ‘Vehicle Lifts’ and member of Working Group CEN/TC 98/WG 3 ‘Vehicle Lifts’. We would be very interested in sending the magazine some articles on these topics, in case you think they might be of interest to readers.
Cordially, Paolo

The lift as seen by construction companies

Dear friends of Elevatori Club, I have a small construction company, a family business operating in Lombardy and Northern Italy, and I have come to know about this Elevatori Magazine Club. I would like to tell you, if possible, about my building experiences in the field of creating spaces in existing buildings in order to be able
to insert vertical transport systems (mainly lifts, but also elevator platforms, goods lifts or stair lifts) to make them more accessible. We have many to our credit and very special situations that we have dealt with over the years. Would these stories be of interest to the readers of your magazine? Thank you, Ciro
