IoT… a new challenge?

IoT (Internet of Things) is an acronym dating back to late ‘90s and referring to a group of technologies, objects and networks communicating with each other, learning...

IMQ and POLIMI agreement

IMQ (one of the most important Italian certification bodies) and the Milan Polytechnic have signed a partnership aimed at innovation. The framework agreement, signed by eng. Antonella Scaglia, [...]

Sicor in the future

Ogni giorno affrontiamo sfide complesse, scenari in costante evoluzione, fenomeni imprevedibili che stanno cambiando le nostre abitudini e orientano le nostre strategie. Il mercato ha bisogno di [...]

Otis Emea, Calleja new President

Otis Worldwide Corporation has appointed Bernardo Calleja as President of Otis Europe Middle East & Africa (Emea). Calleja will report directly to Judy Marks, Otis President and CEO

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