C.M.D. Lift (Cloud Mobile Data Lift) system is the result of the collaboration between Telesan and Gloservice, bringing together their lift and software knowledge and skills gained over the years [...]
Dear readers, 45 years have passed since my first editorial and they flew by. We have walked a long path together, and a long way is still ahead of us. Forty-five years ago Elevatori was born, [...]
CMAandPARTNERS is generally considered as a small, but meaningful revolution in the lift industry. It was born from a co-operative effort by of five companies: CMAlifts (lift and hoist assembly [...]
IdealPark builds car lifts creating unique products, with original projects that revolutionise how we live our space. Car lifts connect different parking levels; become a safety system [...]
A good and vast knowledge of the lift sector coupled with constant technological innovation, social responsibility and environmentally friendly policy, are the solid grounds on which ARE, a [...]
The MGX53 model is available with a 400, 480 or 520 mm diam traction pulley for loads up to 6,000 kg in 4:1 roping. Many configurations are available depending on project needs, while quality in [...]
Giovenzana has recently widened its product range which now includes light push-button stations for car roof and under the car as well as bypass devices in compliance with EN 81-20 and EN 81-50 [...]
Belgium, Brussels. Canada-based organization Kéroul and Belgium’s “Collectif Accessibilité Wallonie-Bruxelles” (CAWaB) announced that the second edition of the “2nd World Summit on Accessible [...]